Sell me this pen

If you happen to have a sales interview coming up this week, let me make sure the interviewer will ask you to sell something to them and it could be a pen.

Since pens are quite common and are found in most offices, you will be asked to sell that first. And if the thought is already scaring you, then let me assure you that after reading this post you will be as confident as ever.

In this article, you will learn what to do when "sell me this pen" interview question is posed upon you, as selling a pen in an interview would help employers to assess your sales skills.

What comes to your mind when you first hear this phrase " sell me this pen "?

Well, the first thing that strikes our mind is the scene from Hollywood's hit movie Wolf of Wallstreet.

Jordan Belfort ( Leonardo DiCaprio ) ask me this question.

Actually, its a must watch. If you haven't watched the movie yet, just watch this scene.

Click Here for more information: sell me this pen

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